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How To Treat Your Dog’s Rough And Cracked Paws Dry, cracked and rough paws are common in dogs and can be caused by a number of factors, including: The weather On sunny days, pavements can become hot. Unlike humans who can protect their feet with shoes, your dog’s paws are unprotected from the heat of the pavement, which can cause damage and blistering. A trip to the beach may be top of your pet’s favourite things to do, but salt and sand can also harm their paws. Just like warmer weather can impact their paws, so can colder air with...

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Although it’s widely believed that a cold, wet nose is a sign of a healthy dog, you may notice that your pup’s nose is warm and dry. If your natural reaction is to panic, try not to – usually, a dry nose is nothing to worry about. After all, it could just be that your dog hasn’t licked their nose in a while. However, if your dog is showing other symptoms alongside their dry nose, it could be a sign of an underlying health problem — for example, if their nose is rough and flaky. So how do you know...

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Lipoid Pneumonia can be caused by applying Vaseline / petroleum jelly to your dog’s nose, especially after regular use. Dry dog noses or cracked paw pads are often lathered up in Vaseline, after all, most people have the common household product sitting around.Wait! Before you apply petroleum jelly, be warned that it is not good for your dog. There are documented cases of Vaseline leading to lipoid pneumonia in dogs and humans. It’s relatively rare, but it is possible to develop lung problems after inhaling fat-based substances (lipoids), like petroleum jelly, over long periods of time.What is Lipoid Pneumonia?Lipoid pneumonia...

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